the place
to know
rachael lee rui xue
speak out loud

rachael says hi

A girl who loves chocolates, tomyam, spaghetti, shopping, travelling, photography, reading
Talks less but thinks more, or maybe more than you ever imagined....



ruiShuang shanNa Lydia MeiEe QianHong szeErn sooFei woanNa yuanHui wendy Liew colours niCole zhiHowe Joanna tienLi LiChuan euNice meiQi Conning miChaeL sarah jooTin Quotes siewPing piXie chRis peiLing Tun.M mayZhee LinGy
Sunday, July 22, 2007 @ 1:30 AM

Yahoo.. So happy these few days.. Althou im sleeping quite late almost everyday, but im still so energetic when it comes to certain programmes like eating, college activities, shopping,supper and movies. All came abundantly, yet i could manage to take part every single one. Haha.. Maybe it's only left 1 or 2 more weeks to bz days (college projects).. So, i wanna spend my "these" days to the fullest!
Went to Kajang for satay yday wif SN, SF, AhKwang and AhMei.. Such a good pleasure that i was able to meet them up for our supper time.. It was indeed delicious!! No wonder others keep recommend us about the famous Kajang satay. I ate 10 sticks altogether.Which is the highest amount among them all. GoSh.. am i getting fatter after this greedy craving? Scary man.. Thanx to SF for driving us there!!!
And today went for movie -VacancY- and shopping, of coz! It's a Saturday. Dats d only day for us to rest and relax. Morning woke up and join college Sukaneka. Joined in the fun of playing station games wif my roommate, frenz and juniors too! They were so fun!! In the end, we turned out bcoming d champion among the other 5 groups! It was nice thou we dun get any prizes for this.. Juz for fun!! =)
Well, juz bek from supper.. and still full. Dats y im here blogging abitto update my latest news.. I guess dats all i wana say.. See u guys nxt time!

0 KISS(es) me......
Monday, July 16, 2007 @ 10:52 PM
hey all..
It's been a while since i updated my blog.
So sorry la guys.. really bz lately. Not bcoz too bz of dating.. im juz too bz wif the activities lately in our own college.
Wondering why, rite? After all, orientation week is over. But,im still so bz involved in all these stuff. That's a PM's duty, as i was told. Once i had bcome a PM.. im alwiz attached to all sorts of college programmes. How i wish i can say BYE to all these. Haha.. Unfortunately, i cant.
So, im so sorry if i ever neglected all of u.. SN, SF...etc.. coz i hardly can find time to ask u guys out. But, i will make sure i remember in future.. =P
How's life lately, all bloggers here? Hope all of u are fine and healthy. After so long period of falling sick, (still flu and cough) rite now.. I really am missing my healthy body days.. when im so energetic everyday. Even how hard im trying to swallow those irritatiing pills, i still dun think they will cure me. Weird...
Anyway, i will update my blog very often from today onwards. And let u guys update more bout my whereabouts from now on..
Take care frenz..

0 KISS(es) me......
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get movin' on! Life is GOOD everyone deserves this ♪ my sweetheart is back! s-e-c-r-e-t dilemma ends m-o-u-l-d-y 我的心声。。 back to my hobby that were the times in 2009